To Whom It May Concern, I used to love observing the site for the future Sacred Heart High school blossoming and blooming with a wild riot of naturalized and native flora. Not only was the site overwhelmed with ox-eye daisies, a feast for the eyes, but the blossoms brimming with nectar provided a vital food source for our precious pollinators. After reading about the alarming decline of our pollinators here and around the works, I was especially delighted to note eye-daisies predominated this site. Since bees are especially attracted to the colours yellow, and white ox-eye daisies are like a magnets for bees. Many experts actually consider the ox-eye daisies here in North America as one of the most important plants for pollinators. Not only do ox-eye daisies attract bees but they also attract moths and beetles. Here in Canada we have over 850...