World Bird Migratory Bird Day May 11, BARRIE FARMERS MARKET 2024


World Bird Migratory Bird Day May 11, 2024


This year we are celebrating. World Migratory Bird Day on  Saturday, May 11.
Since Barrie became a Bird  Friendly City on June 16, 2022, the Barrie community is making a concerted effort to ensure that threat to birds are mitigated, residents  are encouraged to provide as many food sources for birds as possible, and organizations  are urged to take action to protect birds. 
 Some of the practices the city has  enacted are- 
*  “ no roam  bylaw for cats”  to ensure the  number of birds killed by cats are reduced. Unfortunately, here in Canada over 196 million birds are killed by roaming cats every single year.
* protecting and restoring natural habitats
* action  plans plans to mitigate climate change 
* providing opportunities for residence to become more knowledgable about birds and taking action to protect them
* celebrating  Word Migratory Bird Day 

On WMBD, May 11  the mayor of Barrie, Alex Nuttall  will announce  which bird  was chosen by online votes to become  Barrie’s  official City Bird.

We hope  as many people as possible will come and visit some of the members of the  Barrie  Bird  Friendly team  at the Farmers Market  at 10 am on May 11. 
When you visit our display, you will have an opportunity to enter a draw to win a basket filled with bird related items, as well as a draw to receive a free membership to Nature Barrie.
There will also be opportunities for children to become involved in creating some  bird and pollinator related crafts, and there will be handouts of a list of  native plants that are great food sources  for  birds and pollinators.


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