
Showing posts from February, 2025


WHAT  A WASTE OF TAXPAYERS  MONEY!  (2)  When Mr. Ford took over the reins of power in 2018  here in Ontario, we had a very successful Cap and Trade initiative with California.  “ Ontario joined the emissions market in 2017 and has raised more than $2 billion from the quarterly  auctions .” CalMatters 2017 .  Doug Ford without any consultation immediately cancelled this very successful program that actually reduced  GHGs. “  It  cost the province $ 10.5 billion in lost revenues, legal fees and compensation for cancelled contracts.”  NATIONAL OBSERVER, May 19, 2022.  In Ontario we did not pay any federal carbon tax until Ford cancelled Cap and Trade in 2018.  So, ironically, Ford who  never stopped railing against the carbon tax is actually the person responsible for people in Ontario having to pay this tax! I personally was happy to pay if it meant my grandchildren would not have to live with the a...


  WHAT A WASTE! Here in Canada 26% of our landmass is tundra comprising  over  2 million and six hundred thousand Km2. A lot of people are not aware that with global overheating our permafrost here in Canada is melting at an alarming rate releasing methane gas which is 30-40   times more potent in trapping the heat from the sun than carbon dioxide. The warmer climate could drastically change the landscape and determine who can live there,  and what species of plants and animals will be able to live   there. For example, the growth of new shrubs might crowd out lichen, an important food source for caribou. As the tundra warms we will see an increase of wildfires and droughts.    As  the tundra continues to melt  scientists are extremely worried  about the  release of ancient bacteria of which we have no immunity  and other organisms   which have been trapped in the tundra for millions of years. In Sib...