in Canada 26% of our landmass is tundra comprising over 2
million and six hundred thousand Km2.
A lot of people are not aware that with global overheating our permafrost here in Canada is melting at an alarming rate releasing methane gas which is 30-40
times more potent in trapping the heat from the sun than carbon dioxide.
The warmer climate could drastically change the landscape and determine who can live there, and what species of plants and animals will be able to live
there. For example, the growth of new shrubs might crowd out lichen, an important food source for caribou.
As the tundra warms we will see an increase of wildfires and droughts.
As the tundra continues to melt scientists are extremely worried about the release of ancient bacteria of which we have no immunity and other organisms
which have been trapped in the tundra for millions of years.
In Siberia’s scientists were shocked to discover the death of a boy and the hospitalization of others was due to exposure to anthrax.
Their worst fears were confirmed when it was discovered the anthrax had been released into the atmosphere from the melting tundra.
So the question that begs to be answered: what concrete actions have been undertaken by our Premier in the second largest Province in Canada?
When Mr. Ford took over the reins of power we had a very successful Cap and Trade initiative with California.
It not only brought down GHG's responsible for global overheating but between 1-2 billion dollars resdily flowed into the Ontario's coffers each and every
So let me do the math. Hmmm- that adds up to between 7-14 billion dollars in the last 7 years!
I am thinking that with those extra billions of dollars, we should have been able to solve most of the critical needs in healthcare, housing, education,
infrastructure, homelessness, transportation and illicit drugs.
As well, a huge percentage of these funds could have been used to reduce greenhouse gases even further by subsidizing the purchase of electric cars, and
erecting more solar panels and wind turbines.
Lo and behold, once Ford killed the cap and trade, we had no choice but to administer the Carbon Tax program enacted by the Federal government.
Both initiatives worked to reduce GHGs.
Even though Canada will be faced with the worst catastrophic impacts of global overheating, Ford decided to act on behalf of all residents of Ontario by
suing the Federal government.
When we lost in court, another 3O million dollars of taxpayers' hard earned money disappeared from Ontario’s coffers!
Then he cost taxpayers another around 100 million dollars when he slashed the White Pines Wind Project.
Then just recently he decided that all the residents of Ontario deserved a cheque of $200.
So who exactly received this money which increased our debt by over 3 billion!
I assumed it would be sent to only people who truy needed it to help make ends meet.
You can imagine my shock and dismay when I discovered billionaires such as David Thomson with a net worth of 41.8 billion, Tobi Lutke with a net worth of
9.8 billion got a cheque for $200 while many, many homeless people with a net worth of nothing got NOTHING!
So by sending out tax payers' hard earned money to countless people who did not need it Mr. Ford increased our debt load by another 3 billion dollars!
Then his very last gigantic waste of taxpayers dollars happened on the day he called an early election which will cost taxpayers around 175 million dollars.
I cannot think of a single Premier of Ontario who has wasted more of taxpayers than Mr. Doug Ford!
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