
Showing posts from August, 2020


H ow hot can Earth get?  The 130 degrees Fahrenheit registered last week in Death Valley, California represented the highest mark on Earth in nearly nine decades. That mark won’t last long with the carbon we’re pumping into the atmosphere,  Madeleine Stone  reports for Nat Geo . Extreme weather researchers predict that, by the end of the century, heat waves in California could top out at temperatures about 10 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit higher than they do today. Mass human extinction will begin once we no longer can control our internal core temperatures - we need to implement the New Green Deal this fall - there is no planet B .  -


QUOTABLE QUOTE FROM DAVID SUZUKI -THE SACRED BALANCE  " The elements that have sparked life  onto this planet and continue to fuel it- air, water, soil, energy, biodiversity - are sacrosanct  and should be treated as such."      


  DANGER LURKING IN PLASTIC BOTTLES  Over a million  marine animals die slow agonizing death every single  year from ingesting  plastic litter which they mistake for food.      The biggest problem with plastic items is that they do not biodegrade. Plastic decomposes incredibly slowly by turning into smaller and smaller pieces.   A plastic bottle may take between 400 and 1,000 years to decompose! Massive amounts of plastic waste are harming the physical world including rivers, lakes, wetlands, forests, field, and the oceans - habitats for wildlife. Much to the alarm of Marine biologists they removed large plastic sheeting,   flower pots, plastic ropes, plastic canvas, lots plastic and grocery bags  banana sacks, and fishing nets from the stomach of whales. In one whale, a young Cuvier's beaked whale, scientists found 88 pounds of plastic! In 20...
   6   ACTIONS  TO SLOW DOWN GLOBAL OVERHEATING 1.  1 .    Compost -  There are close to 100 compostable items-20 % of all methane gas comes from  compostable  materials deposited in our landfill sites- without oxygen,  methane gas is produced as organic materials biodegrade.  And methane gas is 30-40 times more potent in preventing the sun’s heat energy from escaping back into space to help cool the Earth.     2.  Plant as many trees as possible   – Plant trees on your on your own property or at community tree planting initiatives. Trees absorption of carbon dioxide and sequestering of carbon make trees the least expensive, easiest, and most effective way to help reduce global overheating and mitigate the catastrophic impacts of our climate crisis. Experts agree that ecologically healthy cities need a 40% urban canopy. Unfortunately, most cities have been 20-25%- so stop talking and ...


  WE HAVE THE GREEN TECHNOLOGIES   G lobal overheating solutions are found all around the world.   We need massive investments in all the new green technologies  now under development - three Americans -  all obscenely wealthy have  the money needed to subsidize /totally  support  ALL the new green technologies- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos , the first trillionaire in the world- ( that means he has a billion dollars 1000 TIMES!)Oh wait, Jeff Bezos would rather add to global overheating by promoting space tourism for the super wealthy! Mark Zuckerberg amassed an extra 9 billion during this deadly 2020 pandemic and Bill and Melinda Gates are already subsidizing dozens of new green technologies.     ologies.  


   6   ACTIONS  TO SLOW DOWN GLOBAL OVERHEATING 1.  1 .    Compost -  There are close to 100 compostable items-20 % of all methane gas comes from  compostable  materials deposited in our landfill sites- without oxygen,  methane gas is produced as organic materials biodegrade.  And methane gas is 30-40 times more potent in preventing the sun’s heat energy from escaping back into space to help cool the Earth.     2.  Plant as many trees as possible   – Plant trees on your on your own property or at community tree planting initiatives. Trees absorption of carbon dioxide and sequestering of carbon make trees the least expensive, easiest, and most effective way to help reduce global overheating and mitigate the catastrophic impacts of our climate crisis. Experts agree that ecologically healthy cities need a 40% urban canopy. Unfortunately, most cities have been 20-25%- so stop talking and start digging!...


  NESTLE AND PLASTIC POLLUTION Not only is Nestle’s plastic waste responsible for the  agonizing death of over a million marine mammals each year but when you drink Nestle's  pur Life water you are ingesting over 100, 000 tiny plastic particles - which may trigger new rare cancers.   Mother Earth is pleading with us to help heal her! Our children need Mother Earth to be healed. You can help make a big difference by taking a small action.  Boycott Nestle as   well as Coke and Pepsi.