1. 1. Compost- There are close to 100 compostable
items-20 % of all methane gas comes from compostable materials
deposited in our landfill sites- without oxygen, methane gas is produced
as organic materials biodegrade.
And methane gas is 30-40 times more potent in
preventing the sun’s heat energy from escaping back into space to help cool the Earth.
2. Plant as many trees as possible –
Plant trees on your on your own property or at community tree planting
initiatives. Trees absorption of carbon dioxide and sequestering of carbon make
trees the least expensive, easiest, and most effective way to help reduce
global overheating and mitigate the catastrophic impacts of our climate
crisis. Experts agree that ecologically healthy cities need a 40% urban
canopy. Unfortunately, most cities have been 20-25%- so stop talking and start
3. Stop eating beef - It
is quite alarming that raising cattle for human consumption is
so incredible damaging to our environment.
The burps and farts of cows are responsible
for massive amount of methane gas.
A single cow drinks astounding 100 litres of
water every single day! Today, only 1% of our fresh water is
When manure is washed into bodies of fresh water
it creates damaging algae bloom in lakes.
When cows graze they decimate and compromise
the integrity and ecological health of the soil. Significant more protein can
be produced for food when growing food crops on the same amount of land used
for grazing cattle. According to the article “Redefining Agricultural
Yields: From Tonnes to People Nourished Per Hectare” published in the
Scientific journal Environmental research letter in 2013 if we started eating
plant protein like pulses (beans, lentils, chickpeas, and split peas) instead
of meat, the global food systems could support an additional 4 billion people.
At the same time we could significantly
reduce the massive swaths of pristine rain forests that
are being clear cut daily to support the raising of beef
In the Brazilian rain forest, the
native people are inhumanely forced from the only homes that have ever
known, to make way Brazil’s president’s (Jair Bolsonaro’s
dream of making Brazil the biggest exporter of beef and creating the
biggest meat processing plant in the world.
In the Brazilian rain forest, the
native people are cruelly forced from the only homes that have ever known
so that President Jair Bolsonaro can maintain Brazil
as the world’s BIGGEST EXPORTER OF BEEF and greatly expanding their
meat processing facilities. He has publicly declared that “not one square
centimetre" of land should be set aside for reserves for the
Indigenous people. Large swaths of the Amazon rain forest are being cleared
and burned every single day to make way for cattle production, as well
as, crops and logging.
The President has slashed deforestation
restrictions and has stopped the tracking of forest fire which can actually be
seen from space.
In Brazil most of the out- of- control
fires have been preventable as they have been started by farmers in their
attempt to clear the land for agriculture and raising cattle.
The more beef we eat all around the
world, the more of our precious Amazon rain forest will be destroyed.
3. Are you still drinking water from plastic bottles?
It was recently reported that the three
top companies responsible for the plastic litter choking our oceans and killing over 1 million marine animals are Coke, Pepsi and Nestle.
What makes this revelation most
disturbing is the fact that the three companies that are responsible for
littering, polluting, and destroying the ecological health of our environments,
actually create very unhealthful products that are polluting our bodies
and destroying human health.
Coke and Pepsi trigger all kinds of life-
threatening diseases like diabetes 1 and sclerosis of the liver.
Recent research has demonstrated that
water plastic bottles contain micro-beads of plastic which will wreak havoc on
a person’s health and well being!
Why do we continue to drink fluids from
plastic bottles, that not only are responsible for the agonizing deaths of
millions of marine animals per year, but transporting the ”drinks of death”
creates grid-lock, unnecessary damage to roads, and increases green house gases
that are responsible for global overheating?
5. Never,
never drop plastic litter on the ground anywhere!
question that begs to be answered how did the plastic litter that kills over
marine animals every single year end up in the oceans?
only answer is by individuals and companies neglecting to dispose of plastic
litter properly.
biggest problem with plastic items is that they do not biodegrade. Bacteria
turn up their noses at plastic. The plastic decomposes incredibly slowly by
turning into smaller and smaller pieces. A plastic bottle may take between 400
and 1,000 years to decompose! Massive amounts of plastic waste are harming the
physical world including rivers, lakes, wetlands, forests, field, and the
oceans - habitats for wildlife.
In 2109 in Indonesia the government partnered with the
army, with plastic experts, environmental organizations, businesses, and the
public to create a model for other counties to follow. Their ambitious goal is
to reduce plastic by 70% by the year 2025. Kudos to Indonesia!
Did you know that you could be having a picnic in a
local park and a plastic bag that you left behind, could kill several animals
living in the ocean?
Let me explain - that single plastic bag you left behind
will take hundreds of years to decompose. The wind could blow it around for
many years and eventually it might end up in a river. Guess what? All rivers flow
to the ocean. After many years of floating around, the plastic bag will start
to break into several pieces. An albatross, a dolphin, and a turtle could end
up trying to eat the plastic pieces.
Marine biologists large plastic sheeting, flower
pots, plastic ropes, plastic canvas, lots of garbage and grocery
bags, banana sacks,
and fishing nets! What has really
surprised the marine biologists is the huge
amounts of plastic they
have discovered inside all the whales- they knew
they would find plastic but they had no idea how much!In one whale, a young Cuvier's beaked whale, they found
88 pounds of plastic!
Scientists predict that 1 million marine
animals will die every single year by eating plastic! So, if you see
plastic blowing in the wind, please put it in containers or pick it up and
dispose of it at home in a recycling bin.
4. Stop Ordering Products from
Jeff Bezos is one of the richest men in the
world. Not only did he not pay any taxes, whatsoever, last year, but
through all kinds of tax loop holes he managed to receive $ 129 million dollars
back from the government.
This billionaire, consumed with greed,
did not pay a single cent to build, maintain, or repair the transportation system
that the vast number of Amazon -owned trucks travel on every hour of the day!
As well, he has a reputation for treating his
employees with contempt by paying them poverty -triggering wages with a minimum
of benefits, while forcing them to endure miserable working
Now that Jeff Bezos has
ruthlessly acquired control of the supply chain, other transportation
companies such as Fed Ex has to compete with Amazon.
Many trucking companies, unable to
compete with this behemoth, have been forced into bankruptcies.
Every time you order online from
companies like Amazon, you are making it more and more difficult for local
retailers to stay afloat. Not only do local retailers provide residents with
much needed goods and services, but they are a critical tax base for the City.
If retailers, unable to compete, close down
at an alarming numbers, you will be left with a ghost town and property taxes
will increase exponentially. When cities no longer have a commercial
tax base, they will decrease their services or start charging more
taxes for residents to make up for their lost commercial tax
Once local business close down for ever, then
the online retailers, like Amazon will charge whatever the market will
bear - if there is no longer a local option, the sky will be the limit!
As well, the significant, but
unnecessary increase in huge transport trucks on the road spewing pollutants
into the environment, increases green house gases, clogs up traffic, and
damages roads.
The more green house gases pouring onto our
atmosphere the faster will be the rate of global overheating.
Basically when you buy locally -everyone
wins, including Mother Earth!
5. Reduce and Reuse by Buying from
Thrift Stores
Not only are you greening your wallet, but
you are reducing the amount of trash that goes into our landfill site by
buying whatever you can from second- hand stores.
6. Write /email your
Representatives at all Three Levels of Government.
Huge volumes of letters demanding bold
actions to mitigate the catastrophic impacts of global overheating, can be very
effective and powerful, as government officials really like to be
Not only should you email the parties that
are in power, but also email elected officials in the opposition who you
have observed and are genuinely concerned about global overheating
and have displayed an ability to speak effectively in the Legislature.
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