Most people on Earth are
completely ignorant of the fact that whales actually help reduce global overheating!
How is this possible?
50% of the world’s carbon is actually stored in coastal
The oceans actually suck up 25% of the carbon we
produce and 25 % is absorbed by land
plants and trees.
When most marine animals pop the excrement sinks to the bottom of the oceans.
But, that is not the case with whales. Whales’ poop does not sink to the bottom. It’s like a slurry floating at the surface and when it was analyzed it was found to contain high levels of iron and nitrogen.
This nitrogen helps feed phytoplankton
which bloom profusely as it floats on
the ocean’s surface.
When phytoplankton photosynthesizes
they remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere which is a huge contributor
to global overheating.
The whale poop-phytoplankton-
carbon-reduction relationship is perfect
complete cycle .
The whales poop contains iron
which feeds the phytoplankton.
Next, krill arrive and eat
phytoplankton. And when the baleen whales eat krill, the iron that was excreted in the poop is
returned back to the whales!
Unfortunately, more than a
thousand whales are slaughtered every single year in countries that have not
banned whaling.
It is of utmost importance for the future survival of our children and
our children’s children we convince Norway,
Japan, and Iceland to end the
slaughter of whales!
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