carbon sequestration- absorbs CO2 and stores carbon in wood lungs of the Earth - 1 large tree provides enough oxygen for 4 people
I mentioned becoming involved in planting as many native trees as possible is necessary for birds to survive and thrive. Not only do birds benefit from trees,but below are listed the myriad of benefits trees provide for the ecological health of our environment and all living beings on Earth.
homes- trees help restore some of the wildlife habitats we have destroyed
shade umbrellas- the shade of trees, not only keep cities cooler, but the shade of towering trees prevent eggs from aquatic life from drying out in the intense heat of the sun
water tanks - protect and restore important wetlands and forests by reducing flooding and erosion, roots of mature trees hold staggering amounts of water during flash flooding
water filtration systems– trees and shrubs will reduce the flow of contaminated sediments and improve water quality
seed packages- the seeds from a variety of trees help increase the biodiversity of the area
rain barrels- tree roots absorb water from the soil, making the soil drier and able to store more rainwater
water hose -one large tree can lift 100 gallons of water from the ground and discharge it into the air
organic fertilizers- some trees absorb nitrogen from the air and make it available to plants and also the leaves and wood decompose to make fertile soil
health potion-children who play outdoors surrounded by trees exhibit less severe symptoms of ADHD
food baskets- trees provide fruits, nuts, and berries for people and wildlife
air filters- trees absorb nasty pollutants from the air
ear plugs- trees and shrubs reduce noise pollution
Earth’s saviour- trees are carbon sinks reducing GHG
municipality money makers- trees provide recreation and tourism
air coolers- trees cool asphalt on streets and parking lots extending the life of asphalt
windbreaks- trees in fields shield against wind and help protect crops
snow fences- spruce trees planted close together along highways prevent snow from drifting onto roads helping to reduce accidents
privacy fences- trees can block unattractive views
natural healers- hospital patients with views of trees recover faster
rain umbrellas - trees intercept rainfall and reduce run-off
natural energizers- many studies have shown if you go for a walk in the woods you will reduce your stress level, as well as, increase your energy level
eosystems liver- filter out sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
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