Climate Change and Birds


Climate Change and Birds

314 species of birds will be seriously threatened by climate change by the end of this century.

Dramatic climate chaos such as famine producing droughts, killer floods, out-of -control forest fires, desertification of fertile lands, melting of the polar caps, soaring  record- breaking  temperatures, increase in the  number of deadly and property destroying weather events such as hurricane, tornadoes, cyclones, massive mud slides, freezing rain, and snow blizzards affect all birds in different ways. 

You can help reduce GHG which trigger climate chaos and help our feathered friends by the simple act of composting.

It turns out 50% of bio gas from landfills sites is methane.

Organic materials biodegrade in landfill sites, while deprived of oxygen will readily produce methane gas.

Methane gas 30-40 times more potent than carbon dioxide in preventing the sun’s heat energy from escaping back into space.

You can also help reduce greenhouse gases by buying locally rather than from Amazon etc.

The unnecessary increase in huge transport trucks on the road spewing pollutants into the environment, increases  green house gases, clogs up traffic, and damages roads. 

The more green house gases pouring onto our atmosphere, the faster  will be the rate of global overheating.

Basically when you buy locally -everyone wins,  including our feathered friends.

As well cows, produce a significant amount of methane gas through burps and farts, consequently, drastically reducing your beef intake will help lower GHG in the atmosphere.


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