LET'S PROTECT THE RIBBON OF LIFE A-h-h The Cottage Life! Everyone loves the idea of a cottage where we can revel in nature's splendour. Before we rip out all the native flora, create fertilizer- dependent lawns, pave the driveways, and plant a garden of similar ornamentals we need to question the value and purpose of the original, native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. FFish Need the Ribbon of Life Over 90% of the aquatic life, such as all kinds of fish, that lives in rivers, lakes, and ponds depend on shorelines, deemed to be some of the richest and most productive ecological land on Earth, for their survival! This jumble of shrubs, trees, reeds, cattails, and native wildflowers known as the Ribbon of Life provides food, shelter, protection, and spawning areas for all kinds of aquatic animals in the lake and along the shoreline. Protect the Web of Life Each species is a thread in the intricate food web and each thread relies on other species a...