Support Bill Glover's Bill to enact Bird_Friendly Building Design Standards

Support Bill Glover's Bill to Enact Bird_Friendly Building Design Standards  

Here in Canada we have 696 species of birds.

314 of those species will be seriously threatened by climate change by the end of this century

So we need to take action to protect as many birds as possible by enacting any legislation that can protect them.

Here in Canada over 2.5 million birds are killed each and every single year from low to tall buildings.

The benefits of birds to al of us cannot be overstated.

Scientists tell us that birds eat around 500 million of tons of insects including 15 million larvae every single year!

These insects and larvae could potentially destroy countless acres of crops around the world.

 92% of woody plants are grown from the seeds dropped by birds in their poop!

  182 species are edible

85 species are used for timber

153 species are medicinal  plants

156 species are ornamental

 Here is an  example of the value of the seed dispersal services of a single bird species-

 Clark's nutcrackers disperse seeds of whitebark pine in western North America. The value of the birds’ service is estimated at  $12.6 billion over the entire range of whitebark pines.

Clark's nutcracker eating seeds from whitebark pines. 

Every year billions of animals are killed by vehicles and left on roads or roadsides.

Vultures attack the bodies of the dead animals and eat everything but the bones. 

Vultures have stomach acid that destroys bacteria, spores, and toxins.  The acid is so corrosive that they can digest carcasses infected with anthrax.

In countries were vultures declined due to disease,  feral dogs started eating the bodies thus spreading deadly rabies.

As you may know, Ontario MPP Chris Glover recently tabled a Private-members bill to call on Queen's Park to incorporate the CSA A460:19 Bird-Friendly Building Design Standard into the Ontario building code.

However, let's take the next step and call on The Government of Canada to incorporate Bird-Friendly Design standard into the National Building code of Canada. 

This will require Bird-Friendly design in all new building construction from coast to coast to coast. 


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