A-h-h The Cottage Life!
Everyone loves the idea of a cottage where we can revel in nature's splendour.
Before we rip out all the native flora, create fertilizer- dependent lawns, pave the driveways, and plant a garden of similar ornamentals we need to question the value and purpose of the original, native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers.
FFish Need the Ribbon of Life
Over 90% of the aquatic life, such as all kinds of fish, that lives in rivers, lakes, and ponds depend on shorelines, deemed to be some of the richest and most productive ecological land on Earth, for their survival!
This jumble of shrubs, trees, reeds, cattails, and native wildflowers known as the Ribbon of Life provides food, shelter, protection, and spawning areas for all kinds of aquatic animals in the lake and along the shoreline.
Protect the Web of Life
Each species is a thread in the intricate food web and each thread relies on other species and on humans to maintain a clean and healthy environment. When humans rip out and destroy natural greenery the threads connecting the web of life are shredded and all the animals in this web are negatively affected.
Fish that swim around in the middle of lake need towering trees and hardy shrubs on the shoreline to provide shade and protection for newly hatched eggs. If the natural greenery has been destroyed the fish eggs will die from too much heat!! Frogs too will die or move elsewhere, and the area will be infested with unwanted bugs!! With no frogs or fish to eat, the majestic blue heron will search for prey elsewhere where the Ribbon of Life has not been destroyed.
Prevent Erosion
The Ribbon of Life also helps to prevent erosion and filter out nasty pollutants from entering the lakes. Cattails trap and absorb fertilizers and pesticide run-off, while some shrubs develop webbed roots that prevent silt from muddying the water. Aquatic plants also break boat waves that can erode the soil.
Do Not Turn Our Beloved Lake Into Chemical Soup!!
When the toxins in pesticides, herbicides, household cleaners, shampoos, bug repellants, lawnmower, and car fluids leach into our precious lakes and rivers a chemical soup is created- deadly to aquatic life such as fish and frogs.
Algae Bloom
Nitrogen and phosphorus are great for growing lush plants. But too much nutrient runoff from quick-release fertilizers, sewage plants, and detergents can be deadly to a lake leaving it virtually lifeless!!
Through a process called eutrophication the chemicals over-fertilize the water creating thick, smelly, nasty-looking algal bloom. When these unpleasant messes start to decay bacteria increases and oxygen levels drop dramatically. Cold-water fish that should be abundant in Lake Simcoe such as trout, herring and whitefish suffocate and die! Other fish that need less oxygen such as carp survive!
With a Little Help from Our Friends
Between 1998 and 2000, the Rotary Club created a much needed Ribbon of Life on Barrie's lakefront between Tiffany St. and Minet's Point.
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