What can you do
at the community level?
START DIGGING- Please note this can be done at an
individual/family level if you own
Why dig?
Dig a hole to plant a native sapling or a small tree!
Then dig some more until you are ready to drop!
Check on- line for community tree planting events.
We need to plant as many trees as possible! Why you
may ask?
The easiest, most effective
and efficient way to help reduce global overheating and mitigate the devastating effects of climate change is
Not only will a canopy of healthy
trees mitigate the catastrophic effects of climate change, but they will save
the government billions of dollars in health care costs etc.
Check these facts-
· the billions of hairs on leaves trap, dust, dirt and 85% of
nasty pollutants like sulphur dioxide, sulphates, and nitrogen oxide.
. The cost of cardiovascular disease per year
in Ontario is over 5.5 billion!!
. In Ontario in
2004, over $ 12 billion was spent on health costs related to
respiratory diseases! It has been shown for every additional 343 trees planted
asthma rates go down by 25 % in young children. (Trees Ontario)
· Children who play
outdoors surrounded by trees exhibit less severe symptoms of ADHD- the health
potion of the planet. Many studies have shown if you go
for a walk in the woods you will reduce your stress levels and increase your energy level by 60 %.
for a walk in the woods you will reduce your stress levels and increase your energy level by 60 %.
· A single acre of trees will compensate for approximately 12 000
km of cars use –the street sweepers,
filtration systems and health care of the planet
· trees will help prevent good soil from being blown away and
turning large tracts of land into deserts; this will help support healthy soil
on local farms in the Barrie area – the sieves
of the planet
· the shade of trees keep spawning grounds for fish and other
aquatic life cool so the eggs do not dry out from the intense heat of the
· green spaces thriving with trees and shrubs will help keep
temperatures down for the benefit of all living creature-the shade parasols of the planet-
· protect and restore important wetlands and forests and prevent
flooding and erosion, the roots of a 30
metre mature tree can hold over 40, 000
litres of water which it releases into
the air in a single growing season-the
water tanks of the planet
· trees and shrubs will reduce the flow of contaminated sediments and
improve water quality –the water
filtration system of the planet
· help increase the biodiversity of the area –the seed packages of the planet
· Tree roots absorb water from the soil, making the soil
drier and able to store more rainwater-the
rain barrels of the planet
· Some trees take nitrogen from the air and make it available
to plants and the leaves and wood decompose to make soil--the organic fertilizers of the planet
need to restore degraded land and increase urban green canopies.
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