In 2013 the Space Research institute started tracking the forest fires and they report that as of Aug. 2019 over 42, 000 fires are raging in the Amazon-an increase of 128% over the first none months of 2018.
The consensus is that the increase can be attributed to Jair Bolsonaro.  All he seems to care about is protecting the ranches and the wealthy oligopolies that produce soya beans, coffee and sugar.
 He fired the head of the space institute for reporting the truth; namely, there had been an increase of 128% on forest first in the course of 9 months. 
Norway who is the largest contributor to the Amazon Fund suspended its regular donation as they were not happy with the changes made by Bolsonaro.
He completes disregards the people of the forest who have lived there for 1, 000’s of year.  During his campaign he arrogantly declared that not “one square centimeter” of land would be set aside for reserves that would protect the rain forest" from future development and thereby protect the  rain forest people. 

The alarm  bells are ringing with dire warnings - he Amazon supplies us with an astounding 1/5  of our life-giving oxygen, it houses 1/5 of all our fresh water  and  half  of all our plants and half of all our  animals species including half of our insects call the Amazon their home.

 Each and every organism in the Amazon has its own special niche, specialized function and special and very important role to play in the web if life.
 The plants, animals and people are all connected. If a single thread is ripped or destroyed the web starts to unravel. This unraveling will have a rippling effect right throughout the rain forest and beyond. The most disturbing aspect of the president of Brazil allowing the fires to burn out of control for three weeks is - IF TOO MANY STRANDS ARE DESTROYED THE WEB OF LIFE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO BE REPAIRED.  

A poignant example- if our pollinator population plummets people will be impacted quickly and directly as one third of every mouthful of food we eat depends on our precious pollinators. Catherine Abreu, executive director of Climate Action Network Canada stated very emphatically “Ecosystems worldwide will quite literally collapse if we fail to protect this incredible place”.

Out Earth is overheating at an alarming rate which has triggered a climate crisis in the whole world.
The Amazon is a substantial carbon sink, as well as, absorbing at least one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide every single year!   

Tom Crowther, a scientific advisor  for Felix Finkbeiners Children’s Foundation , Plant-for-the-Planet,  just recently demonstrated in their latest findings that planting trees  everywhere on Earth, specifically in the tropical areas has an astounding impact on reducing carbon dioxide. 

Incredibly the Plant-for –the Planet adopted the UN’s Billion Trees initiatives and transformed it into a Trillion Trees Campaign. In order for Felix’s astounding and ambitious tree planting  campaign to succeed , all the world leaders need to take bold and unprecedented actions to stop President of Brazil from willfully and  recklessly destroying the  Amazon rainforest – the lungs of the Earth.


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